Cole Deelah is a doula, midwives assisstant, and childbirth educator who has been working in the childbirth field for 13 years. Cole developed her own childbirth education curriculum after having been certified in the Bradley Method for a number of years. She is the former president of the Nashville Birth Network and is a community advocate for natural birthing and the rights of birthing women and families. Her articles have been published in both The International Doula Magazine (Doulas Of North America Publication) and Midwifery Today Magazine. She is also the author of the international childbirth education blog, Bellies and Babies. Locally, Cole is one of the founding members of the Houston Doula Cooperative, a speaker at the last 3 BIRTH Fairs, and the independent childbirth educator of choice at UTMB. Cole is the mother of five amazingly talented children.
Learn about placentology – what can we do with the placenta and why would we do anything with it. What are the benefits of ingesting your placenta. What does the research tell us.