Compare and Contrast the US vs England
Compare and Contrast hospital birth to Birth Center birth and US birth to England hospital birth
Kate Lavender is a British midwife now living in Houston and working to obtain her US license. She has attended births at home, in birth centers and in hospitals in both countries and is passionate about women being empowered by their births. She has a 16 year old daughter born without intervention in hospital in the UK and is expecting her second child which she plans to birth at home.
Jackie Griggs, Certified Nurse Midwite, and owner of Baby Area Birth Cetner since 2006 is past president of Association Texas Midwifes and current President of Texas Coalitionof Birth Centers, she is Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She attended UTMB to receive her masters degree ad a Advanced Practice Nurse in 2001 She is the recipient of the Hazel Corbin Award in 2001 and has supported women with over 1,000 births in hospitals, birth centers and at homes. She is a mother of 5 adult boys who were all born at home…….