Luz Standridge
Luz Standridge is a mother of three young children, including girl/boy twins. She discovered the Parenting by Connection approach when life with three toddlers had become exhausting and frustrating. Parenting had become a dreadful chore and not at all what she envisioned. Luz credits the Listening Tools for completely transforming her parenting style and her relationship with her children. By listening to her children’s tears as well as encouraging laughter, she has developed a profound and unique connection with each of them. She is passionate about sharing this amazing approach with parents and caregivers in hopes of helping create more connected families and communities. Luz is currently enrolled in the Hand in Hand Instructor Certification Program and hopes to start teaching classes within the next year. Luz is also a licensed architect with a passion for sustainable design. Her and her husband, Derek, have been married for 9 years.