Patrick M. Houser
It was his first son’s very difficult birth in 1976 which revealed to him the need to understand birth more fully. Patrick and his then wife went on to create the first documented waterbirth in the USA in 1980 with the birth of their second son, born into Patrick’s hands.
Patrick has been a counseling/coaching/personal development practitioner and educator over a period of 25 years and has supported numerous births as a “dude-la” (male doula). In 2006 he co-founded Fathers-To-Be and began educating men about the possibilities available to them through early, conscious parenting. In 2007 he published his first book, Fathers-To-Be Handbook, in UK and USA editions.
In 2008 he began holding Study Days/Workshops for birthcare and early parenting professionals. He discovered this to be a missing link in their professional training as to how to include and welcome fathers into early family life. This includes hospitals, midwifery schools, conferences and freelance workshops.