Addiction Series: Noel Love, M. Ed. LCDC: Effects on the Family
Addiction Series: Noel Love, M. Ed. LCDC: Effects on the Family
Noel Love, M. Ed. LCDC, is Director of Family Programs at Kemah Palms Recovery. He will be educating us about addiction’s effects on the family. Addiction is a family disease and its effects are far reaching.
In 2016, 63,632 Americans died from drug overdose. That’s 174 people a day, and it doesn’t include people do not die from an overdose, but still are lost to their addiction. Addiction is not a respecter of academic achievement or socioeconomic status or nice neighborhoods or gender or race or how much a family loves a person suffering from substance abuse. It is killing real people, beloved people, and it threatens others who are doing the hard work to save themselves and their loved ones and others so bound by the stigma of the disease that they are too paralyzed to seek help.g from substance abuse. It is killing real people, beloved people, and it threatens others who are doing the hard work to save themselves and their loved ones and others so bound by the stigma of the disease that they are too paralyzed to seek help.