Kathryn Haarmann, VBAC
Kathryn Haarmann had a HBAC (home birth after cesarean) and has some great words of wisdom to share with us. Her husband Ryan will also share his perspectives. You will enjoy hearing their journey in birthing – especially the “kiss”!
Kathryn Haarmann is a mother of two children. She has a 5-year-old son and a 1½-year-old daughter. She is a registered nurse of nine years and has practiced nursing in many areas. She currently a birth assistant with three of the most amazing midwives and have been doing that for almost three years now, but her main nursing background is IMU (intermediate acute care). She is becoming a hypnobirthing educator, and she has also taught baby wearing. She has successfully exclusively breastfed both of her children past a year, and had a beautiful redemptive HBAC with her daughter.